Transforming the Maize Market for Smallholder Farmers in Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement

In Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement – Southwest Uganda, smallholder farmers face significant challenges in the maize market, including price fluctuations, limited market access, and exploitation by middlemen. To address these issues, Finn Church Aid (FCA) has implemented several innovative solutions through the Food System Lab Rwamwanja (FSL-RW).  FSL-RW is one of the 10 Food System Labs in […]

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Cultivating Progress: FSL Rwamwanja's Transformative Impact in Uplifting Farmers – vitali fsl rw

Cultivating Progress: FSL Rwamwanja’s Transformative Impact in Uplifting Farmers

Text: Linda Kabuzire Videos: Kadlah Nabakembo The Rwamwanja Food System Lab (FSL-RW) is one of the 10 Food System Labs under the EU-funded HealthyFoodAfrica (HFA) research project. Directed by Finn Church Aid, FSL Rwamwanja has proven to be a transformative force in the lives of smallholder farmers in the Rwamwanja refugee settlement in southwest Uganda. […]

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Woman harvesting small paprikas or chilies.

Improving refugee women’s access to nutritious food

Author: Kadlah Nabakembo, Finn Church Aid HealthyFoodAfrica project’s Food System Lab in Rwamwanja refugee settlement aims to increase the availability of diversified and nutritious food in the households of maize farming women. With increased income and availability of nutritious food in women’s households, the FSL intervenes to promote nutrition education and awareness among beneficiaries to […]

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Woman tossing beans in the air with a sieve.

Higher prices for women producers – Improving the maize value chain

Author: Linda Kabuzire, Finn Church Aid HealthyFoodAfrica project’s Food System Lab Rwamwanja interventions focus on creating an attractive and favourable maize value chain for women maize producers and other value chain actors to increase their access to income. FSL Rwamwanja has established a community-based extension structure consisting of 10 model farmers selected from the 1,000 […]

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Production of high-quality biofertilizers

  The production of high-quality rhizobia inoculants (biofertilizers) for field application is crucial to enhance biomass production and yields of grain-legumes and also to improve soil health, resilience, and sustainable food production systems. Grain-legumes production or intercropped with non-legumes with the application of rhizobia inoculants are being conducted by the food systems labs at Bahir […]

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Women drying maize

A typical day in Rwamwanja Food System Lab is all about maize

Author: Linda Kabuzire, Finn Church Aid Food System Lab (FSL) Rwamwanja is located in Rwamwanja refugee settlement in Western Uganda. The refugee settlement hosts mainly refugees from Eastern DRC. A typical day at the FSL includes a series of activities focusing on increasing maize volumes, enhancing grain quality, and enhancing market access – a market […]

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Women of Rwamwanja refugee settlement, photo Sharon Shaba

Empowering smallholder farmers for sustainable maize production and increased incomes in Rwamwanja refugee settlement

Authors: Elias Katereiha & Erik Nyström Several smallholder farmers grow maize in Rwamwanja refugee settlement in Uganda. The product has growing markets in nearby areas. Still, due to low productivity and an absence of associative organizations or other platforms for sharing knowledge and empowering local farmers, the markets are not profitable. Several opportunities to increase […]

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