Blogs – ta blog pic 1

Creating change through nutrition and education initiatives in Northern Ghana

Author: Victor Yakubu In the Datoyili community in northern Ghana, schoolchildren and their teachers are working together to harvest lettuce – not just for lunch, but to improve everyone’s health. Meanwhile, head teachers and youth ambassadors are getting a refresher on how to make the school garden and nutrition education even better. A quarterly meeting […]

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Blogs – chongwe blog pic 3

Developing the Chongwe vegetable value chain

Author: Mangiza Chirwa, Hivos Chongwe, located about 46 kilometres from Lusaka, is one of the largest suppliers of vegetables to Lusaka. Despite this, access to markets is still a major challenge for the smallholder farmers in Chongwe supported by the HFA project. At the start of the project, some of the challenges identified in accessing […]

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Blogs – kuva 1 fp uutinen world food day

Fort Portal Food Systems Lab commemorates The World Food Day

Author: Bwambale Bernard, Food Systems and Nutrition Programs Manager and Coordinator of Fort Portal Food Systems Lab World Food Day (WFD) is celebrated annually on 16th October around the world to reflect on the role of food for humanity. This year’s theme was “Water is life, water is food. Leave no one behind”. Availability of […]

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Woman harvesting small paprikas or chilies.

Improving refugee women’s access to nutritious food

Author: Kadlah Nabakembo, Finn Church Aid HealthyFoodAfrica project’s Food System Lab in Rwamwanja refugee settlement aims to increase the availability of diversified and nutritious food in the households of maize farming women. With increased income and availability of nutritious food in women’s households, the FSL intervenes to promote nutrition education and awareness among beneficiaries to […]

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Woman tossing beans in the air with a sieve.

Higher prices for women producers – Improving the maize value chain

Author: Linda Kabuzire, Finn Church Aid HealthyFoodAfrica project’s Food System Lab Rwamwanja interventions focus on creating an attractive and favourable maize value chain for women maize producers and other value chain actors to increase their access to income. FSL Rwamwanja has established a community-based extension structure consisting of 10 model farmers selected from the 1,000 […]

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HealthyFoodAfrica's Food System Lab Fort Portal aims to work with cultural and religious leaders

Working with cultural and religious leaders to foster social and behaviour change for healthier and sustainable food systems

By Bwambale Bernard & Francis Musinguzi Religious and cultural communities are some of the well-organized civil institutions. Equally, religious and cultural leaders are often the most respected figures in their communities. They play a powerful role in shaping attitudes, opinions and behaviours in all spheres of life.  These leaders command a wider understanding of the […]

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HealthyFoodAfrica Food System Lab Lusaka

Stengthening the vegetable value chain for Lusaka

HealthyFoodAfrica project’s Lusaka Food System Lab aims to strengthen the vegetable value chain for Lusaka to contribute towards building resilient food systems. The project organized a workshop bringing farmers and traders to together to identify the opportunities, challenges and policy issues that need to be addressed to create an efficient vegetable value chain for the […]

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HealhyFoodAfrica's Food System Lab Chongwe promotes organic farming

Food System Lab Chongwe: Organic farming in practice

The direct impact of climate change on the agricultural practices of small scale farmers has been well documented and Chongwe is no exception. This is why when Hivos through the HealthyFoodAfrica project (a Horizon 2020 project) engaged the farmers in Chongwe’s Kanakantapa area to promote more sustainable ways of farming, the farmers were elated. After […]

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